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General Terms & Conditions for Slovak & International Customers

  1. Introduction

    1. These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter as “Terms”) are used by Bluefin Century, s. r. o., a company incorporated under the laws of Slovak Republic, ID: 46 019 138, registered at the Trade register of the Municipal Court Bratislava III, Section Sro, Insert No.70421/B, with its registered seat at Kremnická 3576/24, 851 01 Bratislava as well as by its affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”).
    2. These terms and conditions apply to all offers by the Seller and all contracts with the customers who are legal entities incorporated under the laws of the Slovak republic or international customers, i.e. legal entities with the country of residence other than Slovak Republic (hereinafter as the “Buyer(s)”) (Seller and Buyer hereinafter as the “Parties” or each one as “Party”).
    3. The Buyer is obliged to read the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SLOVAK AND INTERNATIONAL CUSTOMERS before every purchase.
  2. Purchase Agreement

    1. The Seller shall sell and the Buyer shall purchase the Goods (as defined herein in art. 3), for the agreed Purchase Price.
    2. The Seller accepts orders to purchase the Goods placed by following means:
      1. By webpage www.bluefinmobileshop.com through the interface in the section for the registered customers;
      2. By e-mail sent to the authorized e-mail address of a sales representative of the Seller whereas the email message shall in any case include the initials of the Buyer, the quality and quantity of Goods, formulated unmistakably;
      3. By Skype call or message directed at the sales representative of the Seller including the material information as stated in provision 2.2.2;
      4. By phone call received by the sales representative of the Seller including the material information as stated in provision 2.2.2.
    3. Each order received by the Seller by means specified in section 2.2 of this Article of the Agreement shall be confirmed by the Seller in written (by e-mail).
    4. The order confirmation due to section 2.3 hereof shall include:
      • the identification of both Parties,
      • the specification of Goods, i.e. the quality and quantity of Goods ordered,
      • means of payment,
      • the way of delivery and the expected time of delivery,
      • information on insurance of the consignment,
      • costs of the delivery and consignment
      • eventual provisions on discounts or special arrangements.
    5. After the order confirmation has been delivered to the Buyer, the Purchase Agreement shall be considered to be concluded effectively even if it is not signed in written in paper form (hereinafter as “Agreement”).
    6. The Buyer acknowledges that the Agreement shall be drawn up for the Seller and Buyer who are both legal entities established in order to perform business activities and the rights and obligations under the Agreement shall not constitute any obligation of the Seller towards the customers of the Buyer.
  3. The Goods

    1. Seller shall sell to Buyer the Goods – mobile telephones, TVs, other electronic devices and components, spares etc. offered via webpage www.bluefinmobileshop.com in the quality and quantity as defined in the Order Confirmation (“Goods”).
    2. The Seller reserves the right to refuse to accept an order placed by the Buyer and to withdraw from the Agreement within 7 working days after confirming the order and/or concluding the Agreement if the Seller supposes any difficulties regarding the order related to the entity of the Buyer, the delivery of the Goods or any other aspect of the deal, whereas the right to evaluate the circumstances shall be solely in the Seller´s discretion.
    3. List of available Goods on www.bluefinmobileshop.com are consistent with the quantitative status of Goods in the Seller’s warehouses.
    4. Seller’s warehouses receive new Goods every day and quantities are updated on daily basis.
    5. Current warehouse availability of a Good can be checked in the moment of placing an order.
    6. For any changes or mistakes on www.bluefinmobileshop.com that might occur outside of the Seller’s influence and knowledge, the Seller will not be considered responsible.
    7. If it occurs the a Good is available on www.bluefinmobileshop.com, but it occurs that the Good is not available in the moment when the Buyer places the order, that means that the Good was reserved by another Party in the moment when the Buyer was placing the order.
    8. The Buyer shall order Goods via www.bluefinmobileshop.com and/or offline after successful registration which involves submission of valid company details of the Buyer involving company name, e-mail address, mobile phone number, contact name, taxation identification number (VIES VAT number in case EU member countries), shipping address and invoicing address, KYC (Know Your Customer) documentations (CEO Identification document, TAX/VAT certificate, Certificate of incorporation, Proof of delivery address and Owner statement) and validation of identity done by the Seller. Only then the Buyer will have the right to submit orders and receive offers.
    9. There are two categories of bluefinmobileshop.com access:
      1. Limited access: this access category will allow the Buyer to see all quantities and make reservations of Goods in Seller’s warehouses (immediately after the reservation is made, Buyer can see what is available) after the Buyer checks out, Proforma Invoice will be sent which will guarantee that Buyer will receive products that were ordered. However, a daily order limit of 4.000 EUR is in place for the Limited Access accounts. Moreover, the Buyer has no access to certain additional services provided by the Seller.
      2. Full access: this access category will allow the Buyer to see all quantities and make reservations of Goods in Seller’s warehouses (immediately after the reservation is made, Buyer can see what is available) after the Buyer checks out, Proforma Invoice will be sent which will guarantee that Buyer will receive products that were ordered. Moreover, the Buyer has full access to all additional services provided by the Seller and there are no daily order limitations.
    10. Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product.
  4. Price and Payment Conditions

    1. The Seller and the Buyer have agreed that as the consideration for the sale of the Goods, the Buyer shall pay to the Seller the Purchase Price that has been specified due to the pricelist available on the webpage www.bluefinmobileshop.com in the section reserved for registered customers. The Purchase price shall be calculated and valid as of the time of ordering.
    2. The Seller and Buyer can agree on prices that are different from the prices published at the webpage www.bluefinmobileshop.com in a separate agreement which shall be always confirmed in written.
    3. The Seller can provide the Buyer with a special individually calculated discount on Purchase Price based on the quantity of the turnover. Such discount shall be calculated as a percentage of the turnover performed by the Buyer in each calendar quarter. The discount shall be applied for the supplies of Goods following the calendar quarter in which the significant turnover was reached.
    4. The specification of the quality and quantity of Goods, the Purchase Price, way of delivery and payment shall be defined in the Order confirmation and/or the Agreement.
    5. The amount of the Purchase Price shall not be subject of any increase and indexation and includes all transaction costs and taxes. In case of legal entities incorporated under the laws of the Slovak republic the value added tax (VAT) shall be added to the amount of the Purchase Price according to the valid laws of the Slovak Republic, with exceptions to this provision, as specified further in this Article. In case of international customers, i.e. legal entities with the country of residence other than Slovak Republic all payments made by the Buyer to the Seller under the Agreement shall be made free and clear of, and without deduction for or on account of, any present or future income tax, stamp duty or other taxes, levies, imposts, duties, charges, fees, deductions, now or hereafter imposed, levied, collected, withheld or assessed by any governmental authority, or any political subdivision or taxing authority thereof. The Buyer shall be obliged to settle VAT or other applicable taxes in the country of residence.
    6. The Seller accepts that the Purchase Price might be paid by following means:
      • 100% of the payment in advance by bank transfer or via Revolut, all transfer related costs must be paid by the Buyer and proforma invoice/order number must be mentioned in transfer description.
      • Cash at the premises of the Buyer, if the Buyer’s premises are located in any of the Eurozone countries (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain).
        • The Buyer has at least one completed order which was paid via bank transfer which was not later than one month.
        • In case of shipping with UPS the subtotal amount does not exceed 3.400 EUR or 690 EUR if the Buyer’s premises is located in Italy or 700 EUR if the Buyer’s premises is located in France or 900 EUR if the Buyer’s premises is located in Spain.
        • In case of shipping with Slovak Parcel Service the subtotal amount does not exceed 3000 EUR.
        • Prerequisite of Cash on Delivery payment option is one fully completed order which is paid by bank transfer and not older than 1 month. If these conditions are met the Buyer shall contact the Seller to make the Cash on Deliver payment option available.
        • Only CASH is accepted in case of Cash on Delivery payment option, CHEQUES are not accepted and not considered as payment for Goods.
        • All Cash on Delivery orders submitted must be confirmed by the Buyer via automated e-mail responds which are sent out by the Seller.
        • If a Cash on Delivery order returns to the Seller as not deliverable, the Buyer loses the right to submit further a Cash on Delivery order. The Buyer shall be able to apply for Cash on Delivery payment option again after a successfully delivered order which was paid via bank transfer.
      •  The Seller shall not be held responsible for any delays, damages and/or additional costs due to the Buyer entering wrong payment information at the time of initiating the bank transfer.
    7. In case of legal entities incorporated under the laws of the Slovak republic:
      1. Due to the par. 69 section 12 letter h) of the Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on Value Added Tax (hereinafter as „VAT Act“) , the Seller shall not charge the Buyer with the VAT and the Buyer shall be responsible to pay the VAT provided the Seller supplies the Buyer mobile telephones being devices made or adapted for use in connection with a licensed network and operated on specified frequencies, whether or not they have any other use, if the taxable amount in the invoice for the supply of mobile telephones is 5.000 EUR and more.
      2. The Seller may issue a summary invoice due to par. 75 of the VAT Act for several separate supplies of Goods or for several payments received prior to the supply of Goods, which shall cover a period not longer than a calendar month; a summary invoice must be issued within 15 days of the end of a calendar month. Provided the summary invoice is issued for mobile telephones and the taxable amount of the summary invoice is more than 5.000 EUR, the Seller shall not charge the Buyer with the VAT and the Buyer shall be responsible to pay the VAT due to par. 69 of the VAT Act.
    8. Any faults of the invoice do not entitle the Buyer to postpone the payment as long as the invoice is correct and unmistakable in the specification of Goods, Purchase Price and Buyer´s identification.
    9. The Goods remain in the entire property of the Seller until the full Purchase price including all ancillary costs is paid by the Buyer. In case of overdue payment, the Seller is entitled to recover possession of the Goods at the Buyer’s expense at any time until complete payment, without prejudice to claim damages.
    10. After the full Purchase price including all ancillary costs is paid by the Buyer the risks are transferred to the Buyer and Goods are considered as Buyer’s property.
    11. The Buyer hereby grants his consent to receive the invoice in digital form, however the Seller shall be entitled to prepare and deliver the invoice in paper form only or together with the digital one.
    12. If the due dates specified in the invoices are not met, the Seller reserves the right to charge a penalty of 0,05% of the due amount for each day of delay.
    13. In case of payment by a bank transfer, the time of payment shall be considered to be the time when the Seller's account is credited and not the time the Buyer gives the transfer order to the bank.
    14. If Buyer refuses to fulfill his part of an Agreement, to pay total amount of purchase price stated to the Seller during the time frame that is defined in the Agreement, may result in a request for immediate settlement and a lawsuit against the Buyer.
    15. In the case that Buyer refuses to pay the total amount that is defined in the Agreement, his order will be deleted and Buyer will lose the right to make reservations in the first step. If this case happens for a second time, Buyer could lose right to access to www.bluefinmobileshop.com.
    16. If Buyer is established in one of the countries that are member of the European Union and Buyer provides the Seller with valid taxation identification number (VIES VAT number) that is issued in the country where Buyer has been established, the Seller will exempt Buyer from paying VAT.
    17. In case the Buyer’s taxation identification number is issued by the competent financial authority, the Buyer accepts and agrees to the following conditions:
      • Buyer has to declare and guarantee that the VAT number given to the Seller is the Buyer’s VAT number and that the Buyer is established in one of the countries that is member of the European Union;
      • Buyer has to declare and guarantee that all transactions from Buyer to Seller will be made via bank account that Buyer gave to Seller;
      • Buyer has to declare and guarantee that the VAT number give to the Seller and any other information about the Buyer are true and valid and that the Buyer will inform the Seller immediately about any changes or modifications related to the data mentioned above;
      • The Seller reserves the right to collect additional information and to seek any verification from the Buyer or from any other competent authorities regarding the information provided by the Buyer (primarily related to the VAT number). With this Buyer authorizes Seller to, if needed, request further information regarding the Buyer from competent authorities;
      • Buyer accepts to provide Seller with all necessary data related to Buyer’s bank account and payment history;
      • Buyer order will be immediately cancelled if it turns out that the VAT number provided by the Buyer is not valid or in case Buyer do not provide in time all documentation required to grant right to exclude Buyer from paying VAT.
    18. The Buyer acknowledges that the price of the Goods in the Agreement is subject to automatic price calculation however the automatically calculated price shall be set as indicative and the Seller shall be entitled to adjust the price in accordance with the actual price list. The final price of the Goods shall be bindingly confirmed by the Commercial Invoice issued by the Seller.
    19. For all orders placed outside the European Union (EU), where the total value of the ordered goods exceeds 3,000 EUR, an export surcharge will be applied in addition to the purchase price. This surcharge is intended to cover the costs associated with exporting goods to non-EU destinations. The export surcharge consists of the following components:
      • Base Fee: A base fee of 43 EUR will be applied to all orders subject to the export surcharge.
      • Additional Fees for HS Codes: In addition to the base fee, an additional fee will be assessed for each Harmonized System (HS) code associated with the goods in your order. For the first HS code, an additional fee of 11 EUR will be applied. For every subsequent HS code beyond the first, an additional fee of 3.5 EUR will be added.

      The export surcharge will be calculated based on the number of HS codes associated with the goods in your order. The total export surcharge will be determined by summing the base fee, the fee for the first HS code, and the fee for any additional HS codes in your order. The export surcharge will be added to your total order amount during the checkout process. You are responsible for paying the export surcharge in full along with the purchase price of the goods.

  5. Delivery of Goods

    1. Except otherwise agreed by the Parties the Goods are delivered Ex Works (Incoterms ICC 2010), and the risks of loss or damaging shall pass to the Buyer upon collection of the Goods by the first carrier at the Seller’s premises.
    2. The Seller can upon a request of the Buyer ship the Goods to the Buyer by carrier service and also have the consignment insured. The costs of the courier delivery and insurance shall be borne by the Buyer and shall be paid together with the Purchase Price, unless agreed otherwise.
    3. The delivery dates or delivery terms serve as a guidance only without any guarantee of the Seller. Late delivery shall not allow the Buyer to cancel the order, reject the Goods or claim damages. The Seller shall allow the Buyer to apply his rights from the transportation contract against the carrier.
    4. Provided the Parties agree on different delivery option, the mutual rights and obligations shall be ruled by Incoterms 2010 due to the chosen mode of transport.
    5. The Buyer may withdraw from the contract if the Seller becomes unable to make final and complete delivery prior to transfer of risk.
    6. Upon receiving the shipment the Buyer shall check whether the received Goods fully correspond with the Goods ordered, the condition of the shipment and the damages and/or shortages in the shipment in general. In case the received Goods do not correspond with the Goods ordered in any way the Buyer shall inform the Seller immediately or not later than 24 hours from the day of receipt of Goods.
    7. In case of damaged and/or missing Goods the Buyer shall write everything clearly on the receipt and specify every damaged and/or missing Goods, confirm it with a signature and inform the Seller. Notification shall be done by the Buyer towards the carrier company as well.
    8. Shipping and delivery of Goods, delivery expenses and risks during shipping period are on the Buyer and the Seller is not liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage of Goods that has resulted from any reason. The Seller offers possibility to ensure the Goods for additional fee. In case of ensured Goods the Seller accepts the obligation to file a claim to the insurance company in the Buyer’s name.
    9. Information about the expected time of delivery can be found on the website of the carrier company.
    10. Every order for which the payment is confirmed by the Seller’s bank by 12:00 PM, GMT +1 will be processed the same day if the ordered Goods are available at the Seller’s warehouses. Preparation of orders is done from Monday to Friday.
    11. In case an ordered Good is not available in the Seller’s warehouses, delivery time is extended and the Buyer has the right to cancel the order. Except for orders placed on the Marketplace which cannot be cancelled by the Buyer once the order has been confirmed by Seller by the issue of the proforma invoice.
    12. Buyer has no right to terminate the contract nor demand compensation or interest or money refund for any delays caused by the carrier company.
    13. The Seller shall provide one free shipping possibility for new Buyers who register on www.bluefinmobileshop.com as long as the Buyer’s premises are located in one of the European countries (excluding: Canary Islands, Cyprus and Malta). The free shipping offer is redeemable upon order finalization on www.bluefinmobileshop.com.
    14. Delivery of goods is only possible to the same country where the Buyer’s company is registered.
    15. If the Buyer receives partial delivery the Buyer must send a list of items received which must contain the IMEI numbers of the received devices to the Seller.
  6. Warranty provided by the Seller

    1. All that are sold by the Seller are provided with No Seller warranty (from 2022.07.01.) if not noted otherwise.
      1. All devices sold before 2022.07.01 shall be repaired according to the warranty stated on the invoice.
    2. The warranty period shall begin as of the day of the delivery of the goods to the Buyer.
      1. During the warranty period the Buyer shall be entitled to send back any defective goods to the Seller. The Seller shall examine the goods returned by the Buyer and after the examination whether the goods are qualified for the warranty support the Seller shall initiate to carry out the needed repairs. As soon as the repair process is completed, the relevant goods shall be sent back to the Buyer.
      2. The Seller shall be obliged to conduct the repair process within 30 days (as of 2019-03-07) after the delivery of the goods. Provided the Seller is not able to complete the repair process within this period the Buyer shall be entitled to request (i) a credit note to be issued by the Seller so the Buyer can use the credited amount to procure an exchange good that can be the same type of good or any other goods of similar value or (ii) a refund of the purchase price.
        1. The 30 days (as of 2019-03-07) period starts from the day when the Seller receives the goods sent back by the Buyer.
    3. After the end of the warranty period, the warranty coverage shall only be limited to the policies provided by the manufacturer if applicable whereas  charges for spare parts, shipping and/or handling , or other related fees might be applicable in such case.
      1. Provided the manufacturer’s guarantee applies the Seller informs the Buyer and forwards the defective goods to the manufacturer if necessary. The Seller shall ensure the needed repairs as soon as possible. Once the repair process is completed and any related fees are paid by the Buyer, the goods shall be sent back to the Buyer.
      2. The Seller shall be obliged to conduct the repair process within 30 days (as of 2019-03-07) after the delivery.  Provided the Seller is not able to complete the repair process within this period the goods shall be sent back to the Buyer.
        1. The 30 days (as of 2019-03-07) period starts from the day when the Seller receives the goods sent back by the Buyer.
        2. If based on previous examinations the repair process should take longer than 30 days (as of 2019-03-07) after the delivery to the Seller, the Seller shall contact the Buyer and ask for confirmation of acceptance of extended repair handling period. In case the Buyer requests to return the goods before the repair process is completed he shall still bear any costs related to the shipping and handling or works performed in relation to the repairs executed before the return of the goods. 
      3. All Goods could be replaced or repaired only in case of DOA (Dead On Arrival). Goods submitted with DOA note will be tested by qualified technicians. If claim is proved to be true involved Good will be replaced or repaired by the Seller covering all related costs.
      4. All shipping costs related to shipping to the Seller and repair costs are covered by the Buyer. Shipping of Goods back to the Buyer are covered by the Seller if the repair process is carried out. If repair process is not initiated due to rejection of repair offer or cancellation of the Buyer all shipping costs related to the shipping to the Buyer are covered by the Buyer.
      5. Warranty does not cover:
        • Replacement and repair of supplies (batteries, headphones, CDs and other accessories in the packaging)
        • Damages that result from the inadequate and inappropriate use of the Goods. Buyer shall read take time and read carefully the instructions for proper use of all Goods.
        • If Goods are stored improperly, and not according to the manufacturer’s instruction and directions.
        • Failure of other equipment that came in the same package with a Good (charger, cables, headphones and other accessories)
        • In case of using incompatible Goods with main Goods (that may cause damages) – all different type of extra equipment that Buyer can buy separately from the main Good in regular stores or super markets.
        • Damages resulting from repairs carried out by an unauthorized service center.
        • Damages resulting from external influences (such as all kind of accidents or natural disasters).
        • Plastic frame and propeller of DJI drones.
        • All brands of electric scooters, except DOA devices which have 7 business days (as of 2019.07.26.).
        • Any problems associated with the software – whether pre-installed or installed by the user.
      6. The Seller in no case will be liable if the manufacturer refuses to accept the warranty due to any of the reasons stated above.
    4. The Seller shall ensure that the Goods do not have any defects at the time of transfer of the risk to the Buyer.
    5. The Seller shall guarantee to the Buyer, that at the time of the transfer of the risk as stated in Article 4 of this Agreement
      1. the Goods have the features and are in a conditions as agreed by the Parties, or, if not agreed explicitly, the Goods shall be in a condition and quality as the Seller has advertised them or as reasonably expected due to the nature of the Goods;
      2. the Goods have been supplied in the agreed quantity
      3. the Goods meet the requirement of the legislation of the Slovak Republic.
    6. The Buyer shall be obliged to examine thoroughly the Goods in the manner of consistency with the conditions confirmed in the Order confirmation and/or Agreement immediately after the transfer of risk.
    7. Provided that any damage of the Goods occurs after the moment of the transfer of the risk the Seller shall be not liable for such damage and the Buyer shall be not released from his obligation to pay the Purchase Price and the relevant costs unless this damage was a direct consequence of a breach of obligations of the Seller.
    8. The Buyer acknowledges that the Seller is not the manufacturer of the Goods and does not provide the warranty for the quality of the Goods due to par. 429 of the Act No. 513/1991 Coll. The Commercial Code. The Seller shall however assign any rights related to the warranty for the quality of the Goods provided by the manufacturers of the Goods, in particular to deliver any warranty certificates or declarations of the manufacturers.
    9. In case the Goods will show any defects after the transfer of the risk the Buyer shall apply his rights directly by the manufacturer.
    10. In the event that the manufacturer does not provide remedy or repair or if the Buyer does not for any reason apply by the manufacturer, he can ask the Seller to carry out the repair and the Seller, provided he is capable of completing of the repair, can carry out the demand of the Buyer for an additional charge. (if the device was bought before 2022.07.01) The Seller shall not be held responsible for any delay or lack of capability to carry out the needed repairs.
    11. All devices which the Buyer shall send back to the Seller for reasons of repair, exchange or refund must be sent back using the My Repair service provided by the Seller, available under the www.bluefinmobileshop.com account of the Buyer.
    12. If Seller receives a device which is not registered in the My Repair registry the Seller shall send the device back to the Buyer without any questions asked. All related transportation costs must be paid by the Buyer.
    13. All Goods that the Buyer wishes to return to the Seller must be sent back to the address stated on the related Repair Label of the Repair Ticket created by the Buyer. The Seller shall not be held responsible for Goods sent back by the Buyer to the wrong address. If the Goods sent back by the Buyer arrive to the premises of the Seller other than the location stated in the Repair Label of the related Repair Ticket the Seller shall send the Goods back to the Buyer without any questions asked. All related transportation costs must be paid by the Buyer.
    14. Ten days after a device is handed to the delivery company and sent back by the Seller to the Buyer, if not notified otherwise by the Buyer during this ten day period, all devices are considered successfully delivered to the Buyer.
    15. The Buyer acknowledges that the warranty policies provided by the Seller are following the EU legislation, which is also reflected in Slovak legislation. The Seller is not required to provide any warranty such service is optional.
    16. In case of Return accepted but waiting for accessories status the Seller shall withhold the issue of credit note. The Buyer has 6 weeks to comply and return the missing accessories and/or packaging of the returned product.
    17. All customs related charges that might occur during the transportation of the devices must be paid by the Buyer.
    18. The Seller shall issue a Credit Note only if the goods, its packaging and all of its accessories have arrived to the Seller.
    19. If the packaging and or any of the related accessories are missing the Buyer has 60 calendar days counted from the day of receipt by the Seller to comply and send the missing elements in order to get the Credit Note issued by the Seller.
      1. After the 60 calendar days the Buyer has no right to ask for a Credit Note for the returned good.
    20. The Buyer may ask for the return of the good within 90 calendar days counted from the day of receipt by the Seller.
      1. After the 90 days the Buyer has no right to ask for the return of the good and the ownership of the good will shift to the Third Party repair service provider (Genezis Electronics Kft.).
  7. In-store credit

    1. The Seller shall provide the Buyer possibility to apply for an in-store credit after 3 successful orders made on the Seller’s website as soon as the option appears in the Buyer’s bluefinmobileshop.com account.
    2. The Seller shall charge a 40 € administrative fee for every application attempt.
    3. The Buyer shall provide all the needed information and documentation according to the Seller’s request for evaluation.
    4. The Seller reserves the right to reject the application for in-store credit for any reason.
    5. The Seller reserves the right to determine the final amount of the in-store credit.
    6. The Seller shall ensure that the terms and conditions of an approved in-store credit may be renegotiated; if the Buyer and the Seller cannot reach, an agreement already agreed conditions apply.
    7. The Buyer may resubmit an in-store credit application again in case of a rejected application.
    8. The Seller reserves the right to cancel in-store credit amount without any reason and notice in advance.
  8. Top up discount

    1. Buyer may deposit additional amount in it’s bluefinmobileshop.com account to obtain discount for future purchases.
    2. Deposits must be made based on proforma invoice issued by the buyer which can be created via the following link: https://www.bluefinmobileshop.com/top-up-discount/
    3. If the deposit reaches the minimum amount at the time when the Buyer places the order the related discount will be applied by the Seller.
    4. Minimum amounts available:
      1. Level 0: minimum 5.000 EURO on account at the time of placing the order discount is 0,3 %
      2. Level 1: minimum 20.000 EURO on account at the time of placing the order discount is 0,5 %
      3. Level 2: minimum 50.000 EURO on account at the time of placing the order discount is 0,8 %
    5. The discount is applied if the actual balance minus the value of the current order is above any of the values listed above.
    6. Discounts are only applicable for purchased products but not services.
    7. The Seller reserves the right to change the minimum amounts to qualify for discount levels, the percentage of given discounts at any time without any notice in advance.
    8. The Seller reserves the right to discontinue the application of Top up discounts at any time without any notice in advance.
  9. Dropshipping

    1. The Seller shall provide Dropshipping services where the Seller ships the order to the Customer of the Buyer (hereinafter referred to as the “End Customer”) upon written request from the Buyer. The Seller has the right to deny any request based upon any reasons. Once the request has been approved, the Seller shall give access to the Dropshipping option in the Buyer’s www.bluefinmobileshop.com account. The Buyer shall select Dropshipping during order overview (https://www.bluefinmobileshop.com/order-overview/).

    2. Buyer must give the following information to the Seller in order to complete a Dropshipping order:

      • Accurate address
      • Accurate ZIP code
      • Accurate city
      • Accurate country
      • Contact person’s full name
      • Contact person’s accurate cell phone number
      • Note regarding the delivery
      • Upload Buyer’s invoice in PDF format (optional)
    3. The Seller shall not be held responsible for any delay and/or incorrect delivery resulting from wrong delivery information provided by the Buyer.

    4. For each Dropshipping shipment a Logistics surcharge shall be applied which is equivalent to the 0,6% of the value of the goods shipped but minimum 3 EUR.

    5. The Dropshipping service is available to ship to the following countries:

      Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (excl. Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla), Sweden.

    6. The Seller shall provide Express and Standard shipping options for Dropshipping orders depending on the goods ordered and destination of the order. The Seller shall not be held responsible if either of the shipping options is not available for the Buyer to use.

    7. Dropshipping orders can be only paid via bank transfer 100% in advance.

    8. Seller does not provide return services from End Customer.

    9. In case the End Customer wishes to return an item, the item must be returned to the Buyer and the Buyer shall return the item to the Seller.

    10. All shipping costs related to shipping to the Seller are covered by the Buyer.

    11. The Seller shall not be responsible for any shipping costs related the return to the Buyer by the End Customer.

    12. All devices which the Buyer shall send back to the Seller for reasons of repair, exchange or refund must be sent back using the My Repair service provided by the Seller, available under the bluefinmobileshop.com account of the Buyer.

    13. All Goods that the Buyer wishes to return to the Seller must be sent back to the address stated on the related Repair Label of the Repair Ticket created by the Buyer. The Seller shall not be held responsible for Goods sent back by the Buyer to the wrong address. If the Goods sent back by the Buyer arrive to the premises of the Seller other than the location stated in the Repair Label of the related Repair Ticket the Seller shall send the Goods back to the Buyer without any questions asked. All related transportation costs must be paid by the Buyer.
    14. The Seller has the right to terminate providing Dropshipping services to the Buyer at any time for any reason.

    15. Delivery of goods is only possible to the same country where the Buyer’s company is registered.
  10. Hong Kong Pre-order

    1. Seller provides option to the Buyer to place pre-orders on bluefinmobileshop.com
    2. Buyer may place pre-order during a given period set by the Seller.
    3. Seller may change the terms of a pre-order occasion at any time, for any reason without any notice in advance.
    4. Seller shall notify the Buyer about the terms of a pre-order occasion via the registered email address of the Buyer.
    5. A pre-order is accepted only if all the terms of the pre-order occasion set by the Seller are met by the Buyer.
    6. Buyer acknowledges that a placed pre-order shall be finalized automatically after the pre-order occasion is over by bluefinmobileshop.com if all terms of the pre-order occasion are met.
    7. Buyer can cancel or modify the submitted pre-order only during the given period set by the Seller. Buyer cannot cancel the submitted pre-order once the pre-order occasion is over.
    8. Seller shall notify the Buyer about the status of the pre-order occasion via the registered email address of the Buyer.
    9. Buyer must only pay after the proforma invoice is received from the Seller.
    10. Final value of the order is confirmed by the proforma invoice which is sent by the Seller once the pre-order is confirmed.
    11. All confirmed orders with less than 5000€ order value will be charged 30€ shipping and 5€ insurance fee. If confirmed order value is above 5000€ no shipping or insurance will be charged.
    12. The Seller shall not be held responsible for any mistakes or errors that might occur in the posted pre-order offer.
    13. The Seller may revoke right of access to place pre-orders on bluefinmobileshop.com by the Buyer at any time, for any reason without any notice in advance.
    14. Customers from Spain without European Vies VAT number acknowledge that all pre-order prices are without Canon Digital which shall be added later by their sales representative.
  11. Reclamation policy

    1. The Buyer has 7 business days counted from the day of delivery from the Seller’s warehouse to notify the Seller of the Goods and submit a Repair Ticket via www.bluefinmobileshop.com in case there is a reclamation related to the Goods received by the Buyer. Claims concerning DOA (Dead On Arrival) Goods received by the Buyer are not accepted by the Seller after the before mentioned 7 business days period except for all products issued by Apple.
    2. All devices which the Buyer shall send back to the Seller for reasons of repair, exchange or refund must be sent back using the My Repair service provided by the Seller, available under the www.bluefinmobileshop.com account of the Buyer.
    3. If Seller receives a device which is not registered in the My Repair registry the Seller shall send the device back to the Buyer without any questions asked. All related transportation costs must be paid by the Buyer.
    4. All Goods that the Buyer wishes to return to the Seller must be sent back to the address stated on the related Repair Label of the Repair Ticket created by the Buyer. The Seller shall not be held responsible for Goods sent back by the Buyer to the wrong address. If the Goods sent back by the Buyer arrive to the premises of the Seller other than the location stated in the Repair Label of the related Repair Ticket the Seller shall send the Goods back to the Buyer without any questions asked. All related transportation costs must be paid by the Buyer.
    5. If the Buyer is making a reclamation that is related to the quality of a Good the involved Good needs to be sent back to the Seller for investigational purposes which involve ordering the exact same Good from the exact same Supplier in original packaging with references needed to identify the Good in order to prove the claim.
    6. If all of these conditions are not met fully, the Seller does not accept any reclamation.
  12. Force Majeure

    1. The Seller shall not be held liable for the non-performance of any of its obligations when directly or indirectly due to an event of force majeure including but not limited to strike, lock-out, equipment breakdown, defect of raw materials or delays caused by a subcontractor or a supplier, inability to pass the cost of a substantial rise in the price of labour or raw materials. The event of force majeure suspends the performance of the Seller’s obligations for the duration of the event. In case of an event of force majeure exceeding one month, each Party shall be entitled to terminate the unperformed part of the order.
  13. Disputes and Applicable Law

    1. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be submitted to the appropriate court of the Slovak Republic.
    2. If any provision of the Agreement and/or of this Terms is or becomes invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of the Agreement and/or Terms except where the provisions cannot be severed from the rest of this Agreement due to the nature of the Agreement and/or Terms, its subject matter or the circumstances in which the Agreement and/or Terms was concluded. The Parties agree to do all things necessary to achieve the same result as was intended by any such invalid or unenforceable provisions.
    3. This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Slovak Republic.
  14. Final Provisions

    1. These General Terms and Conditions shall be applied for all purchase agreements between the Seller and customers who are legal entities incorporated under the laws of the Slovak republic or international customers with the country of residence outside of the Slovak Republic.
    2. The Seller reserves the right to terminate cooperation with the Buyer at any time, for any reason without any notice in advance.

General Terms and Conditions of processing personal data

Application of rights of data subject